An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Analysis Using MATHEMATICA

Tite : An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Analysis Using MATHEMATICA
Author : FOLEY, H. C.
Size : 9,4 MB
Page : 531

An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Analysis Using MATHEMATICA is an experiment. To be precise, the book is not an experiment, but the approachof introducing and employing new concepts of chemical engineering analysis, concurrentlywith new concepts in computing, as is presented within this book, is experimental. Usually,the student of a first course in chemical engineering is presented with material that buildssystematically upon engineering concepts and the student works within this linear space to“master” the material. In fact, however, the process is never so linear. For example, mathematics,in the form of geometry, algebra, calculus and differential equations, is either dredgedback up from the student’s past learning to be employed practically in the solution of materialand energy balance problems or new math methods are taught along the way for this purpose.In fact a good deal of “engineering math” is taught to students by this means and not just atthis introductory level — as it should be.
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