Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps

Know and Understand Centrifugal Pumps

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Larry Bachus and Angel Custodio

This ebook is directed toward the understanding of industrial pumps andtheir systems. It won’t be a guide on how to correctly design pumps,nor how to rebuild and repair pumps. There are existing books andcourses directed toward those themes. By understanding the realreasons for pump failure, analyzing those failures, and diagnosing pumpbehavior through interpretation of pressure gauges, you can achieve productive pump operation and contain maintenance costs. This ebook will serve as a guide to STOP repairing industrial pumps.

The focus of industrial plant maintenance has always been that thedesign is correct, and that the operation of the pumps in the system isas it should be. In this ebook, you will see that in the majority ofoccasions, this is not true. Most of us in maintenance spend ourvaluable time, just changing parts, and in the best of cases, performingpreventive maintenance, trying to diminish the time required to changethose parts.We almost never stop to consider what is causing the continual failureof this equipment. This book will help you to step away from thefireman approach, of putting out fires and chasing emergencies.
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