Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment

The Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment by Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Ph.D. has been written as a basic reference for process engineers. It provides practical information on the working principles and engineering basis for major equipment commonly used through out the chemical processing and allied industries. Although written largely with the chemical engineer in mind, the book's contents are general enough, with sufficient background and principles described, that other manufacturing and process engineers will find it useful.

Select references are provided in each chapter for more in-depth coverage of an equipment subject, including key Web sites that offer vendor-specific information and equipment selection criteria. In a number of chapters, sample calculations are provided to guide the reader through the use of design and scale-up formulas that are useful in preparing equipment specifications or in establishing preliminary designs. You can collect this great ebook by download it from rapidshare. If you are really like this book you can buy the original on books store.

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