Size : 20,2 MB
Pages : 1481
Adrian Bejan
Heat transfer has emerged as a central discipline in contemporary engineering science.The research activity of a few decades ago—the material reviewed in the firsthandbooks—has distilled itself into textbook concepts and results. Heat transfer hasbecome not only a self-standing discipline in the current literature and engineeringcurricula, but also an indispensable discipline at the interface with other pivotal andolder disciplines. For example, fluid mechanics today is capable of describing thetransport of heat and other contaminants because of the great progress made in modernconvective heat transfer. Thermodynamics today is able to teach modeling, simulation,and optimization of “realistic” energy systems because of the great progressmade in heat transfer. Ducts, extended surfaces, heat exchangers, and other featuresthat may be contemplated by the practitioner are now documented in the heat transferliterature.
One feature of the handbook is that the main results and correlations are summarizedat the ends of chapters. This feature was chosen to provide quick access andto help the flow of heat transfer knowledge from research to computer-aided design. Researchers and practitioners of heat transfer will find this new handbook inspiring and useful. You can download this ebook.
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Heat Transfer
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Heat Transfer
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